Irina Sebrova: The Russian Daredevil

Irina Feodorovna Sebrova was born on December 14,1914 in Tetyakovka, Russia. At the age of 26, she decided to join the Russian army to combat the Third Reich. After 6 months of training in aeronautical warfare, the material of her studies normally studied for 3 years. When she finally got to the battlefield, she became the commander of the Night Witches, a bomberRegiment that flew in probably the most crude airplane ever. The Po-2 night bomber had bald tires,faulty brakes, and an uncanny ability to spontaneously combust in mid-flght.They were 15 years old by the time they were used as bombers, and sometimes the navigator had to go out  and make repairs WHILE THE PLANE WAS STiLL FLYING.They were 258 mph slower than their combatants, and, even though the engine was extremely weak, the plane was still so loud that the pilots' had to kill the engine when they were a mile above the ground. Yet, despite how much garbage the Po-2 bombers were, Irina still pulled off 1,008 night bomb runs and 92 day runs, despite  being shot down twice. This woman, who was born into extreme poverty and spent a few years working in a box factory, may have sabotaged the war into victory for the Allied Forces and possibly stopped us from banning art and wearing stupid mustaches.